Custom Painting

The instructions on this page will give you the ability to create your own custom paint scheme. Remember, however, the only players who will be able to see your paint, will be the ones who have actually installed your paint on their machine.

Creating your own custom paint

1)open RB2 and go to the single player (offline) game. go to campaign, and create a player.

The table at bottom will show you what service and enlistment date to use for a given plane. Always select the highest rank possible, as this will allow you to paint your own plane.

2)After you create a player, go to sqdn ops, and select paint shop, and select paint plane. select plane list and switch to the plane you wish to paint.

3)next, use the plane part window to select the first part you want to modify, and hit export. in the lower part of the export window, name the select part (use something to identify each part i.e LTWING=lower top wing   etc.) Do this for each part you wish to paint on your custom paint scheme.

4)When you have exported all the parts you want to paint, minimize the RB2 window, and pen your paint editor.(i.e. if you have windows98, look in programs/accessories in the start menu, and you should havea program called paint. in paint, use file/ open, and look in C:/sierra/RedBaronII/paint    to find your parts to paint. open each one, paint it how you want it, and save it back over the original.

5)Close paint, and go back to RB2 paint shop. select a part in the plane part window, and hit import. A window will open similar to the export window, select the modified part from the list that corresponds to the part in the plane part window (see why you had to name them something easy to id?)and apply it.

6)When your finished importing and applying all your new parts, hit save, and another window will open called configurations. Like the export window, name your .cfg file something unique. (i.e. boadr1 was my .cfg file name for my dr1 paint)and hit save.

7)Close out RB2, and go to C:sierra/RedBaronII and open the paint folder. You should see the .bmp files corresponding to each part you painted, and the .cfg file you created when you saved your design. Make a new folder insine the paint folder ,again wiith a unique name, you may use the same name as your .cfg file if you like (i.e. mine for my dr1 paint was boadr1).Move all the .bmp's and the .cfg for your new paint into your new folder.

8)Finally, you must add a line to your paintcfg.ini file, as follows:

<plane type>,<sqdn ID #>,<local/remote plane flag>,<configuration name>,<configuration subfolder>

plane type = number from the table below

sqdn ID # =  the number you select for your paint (I suggest a # between 100 and 199, that is not already in use by one of your other paints)

local/remote flag = use zero

configuration name = the name you gave your .cfg file in your new paint (i.e boadr1, do not include the .cfg)

configuration subfolder = the name of the folder you created, containing your new paint

9) Now your ready to test your paint, just oped RB2, multiplayer, and go to solo. Type in your new paint ID (i.e sq177) hit enter, and go to fly.

To view your new paint, go to an external view, (i.e.  F3) and it should show you your new paint!

10) If you want your teammates to see your paint, send all the .bmp's, and the .cfg files for your new paint, as attachments to an email, to either myself or Lucifer, along with a msg line showing us your line you added to your paintcfg.ini file, and we'll post your new paint for download.

email OddBall

email Lucifer



plane                  enlistment date        sqdn #              plane ID #

Snipe                    09/01/1918                 43                      40

nieup 24              02/16/1918                 Esc 100             24

Alb d3                  10/01/1916                 Jasta 2               4

DR1                     10/01/1917                 Jasta 2               10

If you need info for other planes, email me and I'll post it, or simply look at the end of a file called mpPaint.txt, for a complete listing.